RM. Ayam Goreng "H. Mardun Martinah" at Mangga Besar Raya Jakarta

January 27th, 2018. When we had staycation around Mangga Besar, I never thought that I would see my childhood's favourite fried chicken. RM. Ayam Goreng H. Mardun Martinah. Legendary! My parents used to bring us there. It was very different from any other fried chicken. It was totally different. And we all loved it.


Actually it was the first time my hubby tried the fried chicken, whereas he lived at Mangga Besar area years ago hahaha. Well, better late than never, right? The restaurant was really humble with classic ambiance. The place wasn't very crowded at first. When we came there were 3 people there. But after a while, 2 couples came. Suddenly, I missed my Mom and Dad. Wish they were with us at the moment. I believe Mom and Dad would be very happy.

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Es Teh Tawar 4.5k


Tahu Goreng 5k

I ordered this tahu goreng for my hubby. He loved tahu goreng hahaha. For me, this tahu goreng was one of the good food there. The texture was moist and soft. Very tender in every bite. Tasted good and memorable.


Ayam Goreng Paha 47k (2 pieces)

A different kind of fried chicken. It was like ayam goreng kuning, but the flavour was waaaaay richer than any other fried chicken.  A little bit oily with savoury taste. Served with peanut sauce and pickles. Very particular. OMG! I saw my photo and I imagined the taste and the aroma. I think I will be back there again soon!

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Definitely a keeper!

Jl. Mangga Besar No.90 A
Taman Sari, Jakarta
Phone: +62 21 6290229


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