Boens Soes & Kopi at Swadaya Grogol Jakarta

February 2nd, 2018. When in Swadaya street, I took time to visit Boens Soes & Kopi. I walked from the previous coffee shop. Quite hot. But if I took taxi or online car, it also took some times to search for a taxi or waiting for the online car. It was only 300mtr walking.


The place is very cute. Simple with yellowish ambiance. A small bakery with limited seats. When I came the place was very crowded. I couldn't take many photos. Not even an appropriate one. *sobbing* So please pardon my review below.

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Es Teh Markisa 12k

I took the ice tea to my hotel. What a refreshing drink on a very hot day. It was a sweet and cold. Just what I needed. Combining fresh, sweet and sour flavour in one gulp. Recommended! Actually I wanna try their coffee, but I had too many coffees since morning. LOL. Next time ya. :)


Soes Ayam Jamur

I ate this soes also in hotel, with hubby. He loved it as much as I loved it. Generous chicken and mushrooms, with perfect texture of the choux pastry. Hmm.. I still remembered the soft and moist texture of it. Anyway, they also wrapped me another flavours, but since I ate it at night, I didn't took photos of them. And also, we were very hungry LOL. But thank you so much for the delicious boxes. They were super gewd!


Thank you Boens Soes & Kopi. Definitely will try the coffee and order more soes.

Boens Soes & Kopi
Jl. Swadaya No.46
Grogol, Jakarta
Phone: +62 899-8088-245
IG: @boens_soes


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