Bubur Ayam Mangga Besar I at Mangga Besar Jakarta

January 27th, 2018. That lovely Saturday, my sister picked us up to take us to Bubur Mabes I. Days before, I often saw her IG story about the place. She said that it's one of the best porridge house in town. Hmm.. it made me very curious. So, we visited the place.


When we arrived, they were just started to prepare the food. So we waited inside. The place is spacious with several round tables. After some times, we went outside and ordered the food. Thanks to my sister, she ordered it for us. We didn't have to be confused at all how to order hahaha.

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Bubur Ayam 32k


Nasi Hainam Polos


Cakwe 3k


Tahu 8k


Ayam Rebus (1/4kg) 43k + Telor Pitan 15k


Finally, I found the best chicken porridge in town.
No wonder my sister always went there LOL.
The flavour of the porridge was very similar with my mom's.
I wanted to cry every time I ate the porridge. Miss you mom!!
Another favourite was the chicken! So delicious with tender meat and very tasty.
I didn't really like the nasi hainam.
So, my suggestion, only order the porridge.
Of course with the chicken and telor pitan. DABEST!
Thanks sis for the treat. Woohoo!

Bubur Ayam Mangga Besar I
Jl. Mangga Besar 1 No.46 A
Mangga Besar, Jakarta
Phone: +62 21 6280474


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