SAIA Kopi at Brawijaya Dharmawangsa Jakarta

March 5th, 2018. It's been a long time ago since I went to SAIA Kopi. Sorry for the late post. It was a small coffee shop with very friendly owner. Yup, very very friendly. We talked about everything. He was such a great guy with an amazing personality. I learned so much from him. :)


When I found about SAIA Kopi, I was very curious about the place. It said that it was located near A/Nalendro Photoworks. Turned out that Nalendro was the owner. Yup, he is the friendly owner. He said that at first he just wanted to open a to-go-coffee, but after that, he saw many people loved the small seating area inside. So, maybe he will think about it later, to make the place more comfortable.

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Es kopi susu SAIA 18k

One of the best es kopi susu! It's not too sweet, and not too coffee. Just a perfect one for me. And I love the presentation. Looked sophisticated, right? LOL.


Es kopi SAIA bundar 18k

Cute presentation. The round ice cube with coffee flavour. Pour the milk and wait until the ice melts. Add sugar if necessary. I poured the milk a little bit too much, since I prefer a milky one. It got me the perfect es kopi SAIA bundar. Yaaaay.

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Thank you SAIA Kopi for the coffee and the friendship.

Jl. Brawijaya IB No.76
Dharmawangsa, Jakarta
Phone: +62 812-8370-4564
IG: @saiakopi


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