Kopi Coga at Bendungan Hilir Jakarta

March 1st, 2018. Accidentally passed by this coffee shop. Kopi Coga. I was in the middle of walking to a coffee shop after the previous coffee shop, when I saw that a new place just opened. I stopped by on the road side, and searched for the name on Instagram. Voila! It was new. So, I came in and asked them. And they said, "We will be open next week. But you are very welcome to take photos." Yaaaay.


The coffee shop is not big. Just several seats with comfortable atmosphere. I didn't stay long there. Just took photos, grab my coffee and went to another place hahaha.. And too bad I didn't have a chance to ask them, why they name id kopi coga. Hmm.. I wonder.. Does it stand for "coffee gayo" or else? My friend said: "cowo ganteng" (handsome guy) LOL.

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Es Kopi Susu Coga

I was very happy when they gave me this es kopi susu coga. But since I didn't have a chance to ask for a light texture, it's a little bit too coffee for me. It's still good, for those who love rich flavour of coffee.

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Congratulations Kopi Coga and thank you for the treat.

Kopi Coga
Jl. Bendungan Hilir No.27
Phone: +62 21 5706584
IG: @kopicoga


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