[JAPAN] Suica Card - a Fare Card on Train Lines in Japan

Selama di Jepang, gw cuma beli 1 kartu yaitu Suica Card. Karena miskomunikasi, gw gak tau kalo naek Subway di Tokyo bisa pake Tokyo Subway Pass hanya seharga ¥1500 untuk 72hours. Tapi yawdah, nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Better gw info sedikit tentang Suica Card ini ya. Oya mungkin banyak yg mikir kenapa kaga kaya orang2 laen, pada beli JR Pass. Hmm.. krn gw cuma 1 kali naek shinkansen yg mahal itu, gw mikir kayanya rugi kalo beli JR Pass, secara itu baru ada benefitnya kalo gw naek shinkansen ke kota2 di Jepang, misalkan gw emang kerjanya mo bolak balik Tokyo-Kyoto. Atau misalkan gw ke Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka-Hokkaido-Hiroshima, trus balik lagi ke Osaka, kan naek shinkansennya berkali2 tuh *kayanya sih gitu ya, belon pernah survey juga hahaha*. Nah itu baru ada benefit. Kalo gak, ngapain?

Suica (スイカ Suika) is a rechargeable contactless smart card, electronic money used as a fare card on train lines in Japan. Launched on November 18, 2001, it is currently valid only in the Kantō region, at JR East stations near Sendai and Niigata. The card can also be used interchangeably with JR West's ICOCA in the Kansai region and San'yō region in Okayama, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi Prefectures, and also with JR Central's TOICA starting from spring of 2008, JR Kyushu's SUGOCA, Nishitetsu's Nimoca, and Fukuoka City Subway's Hayakaken area in Fukuoka City and its suburb areas, starting from spring of 2010. The card is also increasingly being accepted as a form of electronic money for purchases at stores and kiosks, especially within train stations.


Suica Card ini ternyata bisa dipakai untuk tiket Tokyo Subway, JR Lines, bahkan bisa buat belanja di mini market yang bekerja sama dengan Suica Card tersebut. Pemakaiannya gampang banget, tinggal di-tap di mesin yg ada di gate masuk. Ntar begitu keluar gate yg dituju, tinggal tap lagi di mesinnya, nanti bakal kepotong sendiri otomatis. Mirip2 kok sama MRT Singapore. Begitu udah mo abis, tinggal isi ulang. Awalnya bingung cara isi ulangnya. Tapi terus diajarin sama bapak2 yg selalu siap di information office. Makasih ya Pak, selalu sabar menjawab pertanyaan2 akoeh.

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Oya ada yg gak kefoto, pas milih mo charge brp duit. Begitu masukin kartu, trus disuruh milih mo charge brp. Gw pilih ¥2000, nanti tinggal masukin duitnya.

and that's how you top up your suica card.

Semoga membantu.


Additional info for Tokyo Subway Pass, Kyoto Subway Pass and Osaka Subway Pass:

There is a new Tokyo Subway Ticket available to domestic and international visitors costing only ¥800 (approximately $8) that allows one day of unlimited rides on all Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway lines (this is a lower price than the current Common 1-day ticket!)

The Kyoto Sightseeing Card is good for unlimited travel on Kyoto City Buses, Kyoto Buses and both subway lines. A one day pass costs ¥1,200 (children ¥600) and a two day pass, which must be used on two consecutive days, goes for ¥2,000 (children ¥1,000).

The Enjoy Eco Card is a one-day all-you-can-ride ticket for Osaka's subways, New Tram, and buses, and also includes discounts for tourist locations within the city. It costs ¥800 for adults (or ¥600 on weekends and holidays), and ¥300 for children.


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