[AUSTRALIA] Melbourne - The World's Most Livable City

August 29th, 2019 - September 4th, 2019.

Finally, gw sampe juga di Australia. Kota pertama yang gw samperin adalah Melbourne. Beberapa orang bilang lebih suka Melbourne dibanding kota-kota lain di Australia. Saat jumpa pertama dengan Melbourne, gw udah jatuh hati sih. Dan setelah stay beberapa hari di sana, gw gak heran banyak orang yang sayang sama Melbourne. Pas gw dateng weathernya lagi bagus banget. Cuaca cerah, langit biru dan daun2nya belum pada numbuh.

Gw banyak fotoin langit nih hahaha. Tapi gak semua gw post sih. Jadi di bawah ini sih gw lebih ke arah share foto aja di beberapa area yang gw datengin. Semoga gak bosen ya liat foto2 gw.

Oya di sana gw paling suka beli makanan di 7-11 hahaha. Seneng banget kalo liat sevel di sekitar gw. Biasanya sih beli sandwich ya. Jadi dari hari pertama aja udah belanja sandwich.

Gw juga seneng fotoin seagull di sana hahaha. Keren banget deh. Mereka tuh ada di mana2 gitu loh. Yang pasti pertama kali gw liat mereka di Queen Victoria Market tuh. Waduh banyak banget deh. Mereka juga kaya gak peduli gitu sama orang. Kaya udah biasa banget deh deket2 sama orang hahaha. Mereka ada di mana2 di sekitar QVM itu.

Gw mampir ke Eureka Skydeck Melbourne. We survived! LOL.

Every great city has its icon, its point of recognition, the gem in its urban skyline. For Melbourne, it’s the Eureka Tower, a 297 metre (975 ft.) gold plated skyscraper by the Yarra River in the heart of the Southbank precinct. High up on the 88th floor, 285 metres above sea level, you’ll find us – Eureka Skydeck: Melbourne’s greatest point of view, and one of the most stunning observation decks in the world.

As the highest public observation deck in the Southern Hemisphere, Eureka offers a visual panorama of Melbourne’s humming neighbourhoods, world-class hospitality venues and dazzling urban sprawl. We’re also home to the world’s first and only Edge Experience – a glass cube that projects out from the 88th floor and suspends visitors almost 300 meters high above Melbourne city.

Pas weekend, temen gw dateng nyamperin, temen dari SMP, Aileen, udah sejak lama deh tinggal di Melbourne bareng hubby dan 3 anaknya. Jadi seharian itu doi nemenin gw,  hepi ya hahaha.

St Patrick’s Cathedral

Built from bluestone and sandstone, St Patrick’s Cathedral is a leading example of Gothic-revival architecture, built in stages between 1858 and 1940. A place of worship, prayer and reflection in today’s busy world, St Patrick’s is the tallest and largest church building in Australia.

Tempat pertama yang dikunjungin itu Gereja Katedral. Awalnya gw pikir gak usah mampir, tapi kata Aileen bagus banget gerejanya. Trus deket juga, gak jauh. Jadi yawdah mampir deh. Wah beneran bagus loh. Megah banget. Keren deh pokoknya.

Fitzroy Gardens

Fitzroy Gardens is one of Melbourne’s most historic and beautiful Gardens. Originally set aside as a reserve in 1848, the layout follows a classic Victorian–era design, featuring pathways lined with magnificent Elm trees, and a variety of flowers, ornamental shrubs and trees which together with extensive lawns create a diverse and layered landscape.

Awalnya ke sini karena mo liat Conservatory, tapi ternyata tutup. Yawdah akhirnya cuma liat2 sekitar aja. Tamannya gede banget. Dijamin pecinta park and garden bakal betah seharian di sana. Gw sempet fotoin beberapa burung yang jarang banget keliatan di sana. Lupa deh namanya, tp bagus burungnya.

Brighton Bathing Box

The 82 bathing boxes that line the sand are an easily recognisable attraction making it the perfect photo opportunity for travellers. What makes these bathing boxes special is that they haven’t been changed from their original design when they were built in the early 1900s making them an ever-distinctive attraction that perfectly aligns with the Australian beach culture. From the bathing boxes, you can marvel at views of Melbourne’s city skyline which is just 13km away.

Udah lama liat foto di mana2 tentang Brighton Bathing Box. Kalo dulu pas liat, cuma bisa ngiler, gak kepikir kapan bisa main ke Australia. Secara gw paling jauh ke Singapore aja sama hubby. Makanya pas akhirnya bisa beli tiket ke Australia, gw agak terkejut juga. OMG! Gak nyangka, akhirnya gw ke Melbourne juga. Dan gw bisa samperin Brighton Bathing Box. OMG OMG! Thanks to Aileen dan keluarganya *yang udah minjemin Aileen seharian hahaha* Gw iseng doank sebetulnya bilang ke Aileen, anterin ke BBB, eh beneran dianterin wowowowowow. Terharu banget deh. Walau jauh di mata, masih dekat di hati.

Melbourne Central

Melbourne Central is a diverse shopping and dining destination that invites you to keep exploring.  Melbourne Central is convenient to get to, being located atop the City Loop, with Melbourne Central train station accessible via Lower Ground, and the free city circle tram route at the centre's doorstep. Melbourne Central boasts 822 car parks making it the perfect base for Melbourne city excursions.

Selama di Melbourne gw juga seneng nyamperin mall. Ada 1 mall yang cukup sering gw datengin namanya Melbourne Central. Gw ketemu ada 1 perpustakaan kecil yang lucu. Namanya The Little Library.

Banyak area di Melbourne yang menyenangkan buat jalan2. Gw sempet mampir ke Collingwood area, di sana rumahnya lucu2, trus banyak grafiti di sepanjang jalan. Gak sampe penuh di setiap tembok sih, tapi di setiap sudut pasti ada gambar-nya.

Hosier Lane

Walk down the famous bluestone laneway and admire the street art that has made the Melbourne urban art scene known across the globe. Take in the dizzying array of colours, characters and shapes created by local and international artists alike. Pick out everything from stencils and paste-ups to murals and installations. Take a wander on your own or join one of the popular walking tours to get some background on the artists and their work.

Sehari sebelum pindah ke Sydney, gw sempetin waktu ketemu sama Miracle, salah satu temen dari SMP yang juga pindah ke Melbourne. Awalnya gw ragu bisa ketemu nggak sama Mira, secara kakinya lagi sakit, tapi ternyata Mira nyempetin banget samperin gw. Terharu ya. Baiknya teman2ku di sana. Padahal udah lama banget gak jumpa. Nah pas mo nge-dessert sama Mira, ternyata kita lewatin Hosier Lane. Trus Mira bilang, "Mumpung udah di sini, mampir aja." Setelah menimbang-nimbang, akhirnya mampi deh hahaha. Lucu sih, sepanjang jalan isinya grafiti semua. 

Melbourne bole dibilang kota yang menyenangkan. Gw gak sabar sih pingin balik lagi ke Melbourne. Berharap gw dikasi umur panjang banget biar bisa bolak balik ke sana hahaha.

So long, Melbourne. See you when I see you.


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