[JAPAN] Universal Studios Japan at Osaka, Japan

April 5th, 2018. Akhirnya ke Universal Studios Japan juga. Rute ke sananya, jalan dari Shinsaibashi St ke Taisho St, trus naek JR Line ke Nishikujo St. Dari sana cari JR Line yang ke Universal City St. Sampe deh di USJ. Horeeeeee. Sampe di depannya, banyak loker2 buat narok barang2 gitu. Jadi emang kalo misalkan gak bakal kepake, mending taro di loker aja drpd dibawa2 ke dlm, siapa tau gitu ada barang berharga yg paginya masi dipake sebelum sampe di USJ, tapi juga berat kalo dibawa2 ke dalam, macam laptop misalnya. Aman kok. Aduh di Jepang mah rata2 aman deh.

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Gw hepi banget sih masuk USJ ini. Banyak banget karakter2 yang bisa diajak berfoto. Dari awal masuk sampe pas mo pulang pun masi banyak yang berkeliaran. Beda banget dengan di Disneyland kemaren di Tokyo. Mo foto sama karakter2nya susaaaah banget. Baru sebentar, mereka udah balik kandang gitu. Trus mereka prioritas anak kecil doank. Orang dewasanya agak dicuekin, kecuali orang Jepang ya, krn bisa minta2 buat diajak foto. Lah gw kaga bs ngomong Jepang, cuma colek2 doank kalo mo ajak foto hahahaha. Nah, kalo ini mah kadang diajak jalan2 malahan. Kaya semacam nyari tempat yg kece buat foto, gitu loh. Happy deh. Gw foto sama Wendy Woodpecker, Minions, Hello Kitty, Marilyn Monroe, Elmo, Charlie Brown, Snoopy. Masi banyak lagi deh karakter2 yang gk sempat foto. Oya sempet beli magnet kulkas USJ seharga ¥1,000 buat kenang2an.

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16 places: 15 attractions & entertainment, and 1 goods.


5 places: 3 attractions & entertainment, 1 food and 1 goods.


4 places: 2 attractions & entertainment, 1 food and 1 goods.

Di Universal Wonderland, gw gak maen apa2. Cuma foto2 aja. Hehehe. Ini buat anak2 banget soalnya.

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14 places: 6 attractions & entertainment, 4 food and 3 goods.

1. The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man - The Ride 4K3D

So overwhelming it bends reality. An unbelievable, immersive experience. Encounter a new dimension of excitement in the world's greatest ride!

The world's best attraction and the first to win world's best ride award 7 consecutive years has been transformed into a whole new ride by gaining the world's best technology "4K3D"! Unbelievable impact that confuses the imaginary with the reality, and series of special effects over 100, will give you an incredible, immersive experience. You'll encounter an all-new kind of excitement!

Ini harus banget yak dinaekin. Worth to queue. Gw kaga tau juga ini apaan hahaha. Ya antri mah antri aja. Panjaaaaaang banget antriannya. Secara kapasitas masuknya cuma 12 orang. Dan yang antri udah kaya ular naga panjangnya. Dikasi liat banyak pernak pernik kantor tempat Peter Parker jadi freelance photographer. Begitu udah naek keretanya, yaowoh, keren abis. Teriak gak brenti. Seru banget dah!

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28 places: 8 attractions & entertainment, 4 food and 16 goods.

1. Hollywood Dream - The Ride

A thrill that shoots through your entire body! An exhilarating roller coaster that's like flying through the sky.

The originality and cutting-edge technology of Universal Studios Japan™ and the world's leading roller coaster manufacturer brought together. This precisely designed ultimate ride experience is like flying through the sky. Cut through the wind with your chosen soundtrack as background music. An unbelievable thrill and exhilaration will shoot through your entire body, in this new sensational roller coaster.

Kagaaaaa! Gw kaga naek ginian. Cuma sempet foto pas mo masuk ke USJ. Hahaha.


2. Hollywood Dream - The Ride -Backdrop-

The thrill is unpredictable!The backwards roller coaster that'll make you scream takes off.

An exhilarating ride that's like flying through the sky, brought together by the originality and cutting-edge technology of Universal Studios Japan™ and the world's leading roller coaster manufacturer is now running backward! Unbelievable! After being pulled up by your back to a height of 43 meters, you'll dive from the back of your head looking at the sky. The ultimate thrill of being unable to see where you're going or predict what will come next. A shock that makes you want to grab onto something. Gust of wind blowing from the back of your head will tell you how fast you're going. An unknown experience of plunging headlong will result in an ultimate thrill.

Jiah apalagi ini!! Yang maju ke depan aja kaga naek, apalagi yang mundur hahahaha.. Tp gw suka pas ketangkep momentnya nih hahahaha..

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9. Hamburgers Restaurant: Mel's Drive-In

Kita makan siang di Mel's Drive-In. Gw cari tempat duduk, hubby beli makanan. Gw pasrah sih dibeliin apa aja hahaha. Balik2 doi bawa 2 set burger gitu. Jadi dia beli yang Set Classic Burger ¥1,390 buat dia. Set Cheese Burger ¥1,490 buat gw, krn dia blg gw suka banget cheese. Thank you honey. Dan itu burgernya emang enak bangettt. Gw inget dulu ke Universal Studios Singapore juga makannya di Mel's Drive-In. Ulalaa, sedapnya. Set menunya dapet french fries dan minuman. Kenyang.

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8 places: 5 attractions & entertainment, 2 food and 1 goods.

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1. Despicable Me Minion Mayhem

Hop into a vehicle designed by Gru to transform into an actual Minion, then get ready to plunge into an adorable world of Minion mayhem!

This all-new attraction brings you into the whirling world of the Minions! With a massive dome screen and hyper-realistic projection system, you won't know what's up and what's down!
Climb aboard a vehicle designed by Gru and enter his laboratory to begin the process of becoming an actual Minion! Under the supervision of Gru and his three daughters, you'll dash through the air and back to earth, going upside down and round and round!
So plunge into the mayhem of the Minions on a thrilling ride that will challenge your senses and warm your heart!

Dengan kapasitas 8 org di satu kereta, kita diajak jadi minion. Hahaha! Lucuuuuuuu! Gemes banget deh pokoknya naek ginian. Banyak teriak2 juga krn kan minion itu emang membal kan. Jadi banyak adegan membal2 gitu. Lucu deh. Hahahaha. Harus banget nih naek ginian. Cuma kalo bisa jangan perut kosong atau pas lagi gak enak badan. Bisa mual sedikit. Sedikit doank, tapi ya makan dulu deh sebelum antri. Oiya, antrinya panjang ya, tapi ada hiburan di TV gitu tentang minions yang lucu2 banget. Biar diulang2 tetep terhibur kok. :)

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5 places: 1 attractions & entertainment, and 3 food.


6 places: 3 attractions & entertainment, 2 food and 1 goods.


7 places: 2 attractions & entertainment, 3 food and 2 goods.

1. Jaws

A boat tour of fear, where a gigantic man-eating shark attacks!

A boat tour at a peaceful port town with a relaxed air. It starts out in a friendly mood, but suddenly a gigantic, man-eating shark appears, throwing everyone into the depth of fear. Rifles and wall of fire are no match to this unimaginably huge body. With its humongous mouth and sharp teeth, it can even bite a hole in the bottom of a ship. Will you be able to find the chance and escape from the repeatedly attacking shark safely?!

Errrr.. ini jelas sih musuh terbesar gw hahaha. Pas hubby kasi liat videonya, gw udah jerit2 donk. NO WAY gw mo masuk ke situ. Bisa pengsan dah! Itu cuma foto di situ doank. Ada foto barengnya gw hubby sama si shark, tp belon di-edit, yawdah gak usah lah ya. Foto shark-nya aja hahaha.

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1 places: 1 attractions & entertainment.



2 places: 1 attractions & entertainment, and 1 foods.


2 places: 1 attractions & entertainment, and 1 goods.


4 places: 3 attractions & entertainment, and 1 goods.


4 places: 2 attractions & entertainment, 1 food and 1 goods.

Untung masi sempet nyobain Sailor Moon. Yang Conan gak kedapetan antrian. Udah panjang banget. Telat bener ke sana-nya. Tapi yawdah mgkn lain kali. Kali ini gw ke Sailor Moon dulu. Itu ternyata nonton sih. Pake kacamata 3D gitu. Seru juga. Kangen masa2 dulu sering nonton Sailor Moon hahaha. Gw suka Sailor Moon, tapi ya gak sampe segila ke Conan sih. Makanya agak sedih gak smpt nonton Conan. Hehehe. Eh cuma ya di sana pake bahasa Jepang sih, jadi teu ngarti ngomong apaan. Liat aksi2nya aja dah hahahaha..



Akhirnya! Tujuan utama gw ke USJ! Udah dari sebelum ke sana, Cindy udah kasi tau, "Yen, ke Harry Potter Yen!" Okeh, dan sekarang gw udah ke sana hahaha. Oya, kalo mo masuk gitu, harus ambil semacam tiket masuknya. Jadi ada ticketing machine gitu. Nanti di sana scan tiket masuk USJ kita, trus nanti bisa pilih mo masuk di jam brp. Ntar keluar deh tiketnya, untuk masuk ke Harry Potter. Gw kemaren itu ambil yang jam 11:30. Nah, pas jam 11:10 gw udah deket2 ke orang yang di pintu masuknya. Terus kasi liat aja, semacam, "Nih bang, udah bisa masuk belon?" Ntar kalo dia liat udah bisa, udah bole masuk kok. Yaaaaay. Di dalam liat mobil terbang, trus ada Hogwarts Express, ada banyak toko2 juga. Tapi yang paling gw cari adalah.. ButterBeer!!

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Begitu masuk, ini yg gw cari. ButterBeer. Harganya ¥600 krn pake gelas plastik biasa. Hehehe. Ribet lah gw mikirnya kalo pake gelas2 yg bs dibawa pulang gitu. Gw beli lah dengan hati gembira. Yaaaaay bisa cobain ButterBeer-nya Harry Potter yang terkenal ituuuuuuh. Dan, rasanya enak. Manis gitu hihihi.

Butterbeer was a popular wizarding beverage described as tasting "a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch".

Dan gw setuju banget dengan deskripsi di atas. Waaaaah, pas minumnya tuh bangga banget. Serasa jadi murid di Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardrywould, trus belinya di Hogsmeade. LOL.

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Sempet nonton semacam paduan suara gitu hahaha. Itu yang dipegang gitu bisa gerak2 hahaha. Gw agak geli sih hahahaha. Tapi sebetulnya lucu ya wkwkwk.


Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

After receiving the honor of the world’s number one ride for five consecutive years, the exhilarating experience that immerses you in the wizarding world has been upgraded!
With ultra-realistic images, you can go beyond reality without 3D glasses.
With even more powerful magic effects, you’ll feel the dragon’s heat and the Dementor’s chill as they encounter you!
Experience the reality and the thrill of a new dimension in the wizarding world that unfolds 360 degrees around you as you join Harry and friends on an unforgettable sensory adventure!

Hubby sempet deg2an nih gak mau naek ginian. Tapi gw mikir, ah udah jauh2 ke Jepang, masa gak naek ride-nya. Kita emang gatau sih tipe ride-nya kaya apa. Tapi harusnya bukan roller coaster. Yes, we don't like roller coaster hahahaha.. Dan setelah naik, PENGEN LAGI!!! Sayang antriannya panjangnya aujubileh. Terpaksa ditahan keinginan naik lagi-nya. Moga2 nanti kalo ke Osaka lagi, sempet ke USJ lagi hehehe. Recommended banget. Kalo ke USJ  harus naik ini Harry Potter ya. Aduh seru banget deh, aduh pengen cerita tapi ntar spoiler gak seru ah. Udah, naek aja yak!


Thank you so much Universal Studios Japan for the amazing experiences. See you again!

Universal Studios Japan
2 Chome−1−33 Sakurajima
Konohana Ward, Osaka
Osaka Prefecture 554-0031
IG: @universalstudiosjapan


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