[BOGOR] The Coffee Companion at Achmad Adnawijaya Bogor

January 6th, 2018. Yaaaay. Finally I went to Bogor again. This time I went with hubby, on our way to family gathering. I asked hubby to keep me company for coffeeshops-hopping. And we visited The Coffee Companion as our first destination.


The place divided into 2 area. Smoking area and non-smoking area. The place is very simple with homey ambiance. Such a humble place in the busy road. The barista were friendly and I could hear they teased each other. Such a comfortable place to visit.

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Kopi Sekawan 20k

Es kopi mirip punya tetangga

Very funny description LOL. And it was delicious. We had a long way to go there, and if it wasn't a good coffee, I think I would crying out loud there. Hahaha. So, it was really good to taste a great coffee with an amazing companion. I forgot to ask them why they named it Kopi Sekawan. But maybe it meant that it must be good to drink coffee with friends.


Cokelat Dingin 35k

Iced chocolate for my hubby. And he loooooved it. He said, it's one of the best iced chocolates. I tried a sip and couldn't agree more. @yennymakanmulu approved. Hahaha. Or should I say @yennyminummulu??


Roti Bakar Gurih 30k

Roti tawar isi daging asap, telur dadar, saus Bechamel, dan mayonnaise pedas

With those 2 sweet flavour drinks, we chose to order toast. They have sweet and savoury options. We opted the savoury one. The presentation was just okay. I never thought the taste would be that overwhelming. The texture of the toast was perfect, with delicious smoked beef and egg. I changed the spicy mayo into mustard mayo. Trust me. It was one memorable toast!

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The Coffee Companion
Jl. Achmad Adnawijaya No. 151 - 153
Phone: +62 899-858-0303
IG: @thecoffeecom


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