Kopi KurangLebih at Kelapa Gading Jakarta

December 30th, 2017. A very unique coffee shop. Kopi KurangLebih. KurangLebih actually means more or less. And they used plus (+) and minus (-) as their symbol. So, when we had time to go to Kelapa Gading area, it was our first destination.


A petite place with friendly people. The place only have several seats. So, good thing we came very early in the morning. After us, there were some people came, so we didn't stay too long, since we had to be at another places too. Yup, what a busy morning hahaha.. Anyway, I love their neon sign. It said: Where? Here. in one word, based on the lights being turned on.

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Iced Kopi Susu Legit 20k

Such a nice iced kopi susu. The coffee and the milk mixed perfectly. And tell you the truth, I kinda am tired writing about es kopi susu. LOL. I think the taste, all of them, basically the same. But, yes yes yes, I still love sipping a sweet of es kopi susu hahaha.. And definitely will review about it.. *big grin*


Iced Lemon Tea 15k


Lumpia Goreng 5k

Cheap but a delicious fried lumpia. They called it a snack. It's a different snack from other coffee shops. And I love it so much. I saw many coffee shops with croissant or danish or cakes as their snacks. So, right now I prefer the simple traditional snack. Ulalaaaa..


Pisang Goreng 5k

Another traditional snack that I loved there. Fried banana or banana fritter. You can call it anything you like. But pisang goreng is still my favourite snack. Hooray for the delicious pisang goreng. Sweet flavour with tender texture.


Nasi Meong Ayam 7k

Wow, so happy to meet nasi meong in a coffee shop. LOL. Hail to the nasi meong! They have 3 kinds of nasi meong. C for Cumi (squid). A for Ayam (chicken). And T for Teri (anchovy). The cute thing: CAT means kucing or meong. Hahahaha. It was a delicious nasi meong. And came to the rescue for my hungry tummy.

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Kopi KurangLebih
Jl. Seruling Blok F No.33
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Phone: +6221 24520376
IG: @kopikurleb


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