[CLOSED] Retorika Coffee Kelapa Gading Jakarta

October 11th, 2015. Finally I went to Kelapa Gading area. Friends of mine, LT and DC, asked me to join them to this area. I didn't really like the area because it's too crowded. But we went very early in the morning. So, we didn't catch any traffic-jam. Well, actually this was my second destination at that time. I happened to love this place. Retorika Coffee. An ear-catching name with eye-catching place.

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The place had a non-smoking area and two smoking areas. In front and at the backyard of the place. Me and my friends chose the backyard. It was a lovely place to have fun with friends and took pictures, although it's kinda hot there. I fell in love with their swing-bench. So unique and adorable. I will show you below, from the in front smoking area, the non-smoking area, to the backyard of the place.

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Cafe Latte 30k

My friend said that the coffee tasted just good. Not to mention, the beautiful latte art they made for this latte. I really wanna learn to make latte art LOL. But I know, it's not my thing, so let them do the job, and let me enjoy the art. :)


Green Tea Latte 30k

I loved this one. Tasted delicious with strong green tea flavour. Beautiful latte art. I really wanna captured it over and over again. Didn't have the heart to ruin the beauties of it, but I had to drink it. Oh my oh my, why they had to make it so pretty hahaha..


Brownies Tiramisu 15k (seasonal cake)

It's seasonal. So, you won't get it anytime you want. Lucky me, I had a chance to try this at that time. Tasted just okay. But, yeah, a nice cake to accompany my green tea latte that day.


I enjoyed the day there. Thanks to my 2-crazy-friends. Hope we can go back there again. :) Pssst, they had this free flow infused water at the cashier. So refreshing! *big grin*

Retorika Coffee
Jl. Kelapa Kopyor Raya
Blok M1 No. 8
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
IG: @retorikacoffee


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