Habitual Coffee & Eatery X RBK at Bendungan Hilir Jakarta

September 14th, 2017. Before Habitual Coffee & Eatery opened its door, Aline told me and Cindy about it. She got the information about the new coffee shop from her friends. It's actually the same group with Roti Bakar Kemang. Well, after opened for a week, we visited the place. Yaaaaay.


When we came, they still had free coffee promotion. Another yaaaay. The place was quite cosy. It's really good to bring your laptop and doing some works there. Good for chit chat with your friends, too. Although, they still need improvement for the service, since it took so long to serve the food. Well, maybe because it's their first week.

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Asian Latte on the Rock (Ice) 28k

It's Aline's drink. And it's very very super strong. I tried a sip. OMG! Very strong!


Hot Butterscotch Latte 26k

Love my butterscotch latte, since it's sweet and delicious. Butterscotch was my favourite since I was a kid. I used to eat the butterscotch candy. Hmm.. remembering the past..

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Ice Tea 8k


Indomie Rebus Telur Keju 19.5k

I was quite hungry, so I ordered Indomie Rebus with Egg and Cheese. Well, do I have to review about Indomie? I don't think so, right. And to eat Indomie, it should be cooked by other people. Hahahaha.

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Habitual Coffee & Eatery X RBK
Jl. Bendungan Hilir No.80
Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta
Phone: (021) 22958992
IG: @habitualcoffeeeatery


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