Casserie Café + Pattiserie at Anggrek Loka BSD Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang

November 3rd, 2017. I didn't remember how I found this place. I think it's the time when I scrolled my IG timeline to find new coffee shops. Well, the point is, Casserie was in my list. So, when I had chance to visit BSD, I took time to visit that café pattiserie.


One hidden gem. It was not easy to find the place, but it was not hard either. Just search it in your maps. With no parking area, we were a little bit confused with our car. But then, they told me to park our car at the coffee shop next door. Quite funny, actually hahahaha.. Occupied 2 levels of the building, I found it a nice one. Old fashioned but comfortable.

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Red Velvet 25k

Pretty in presentation and delicious in flavour. Actually I was in a condition of too much coffee, so I asked them to bring me something non-coffee and not chocolate. Voila! Very good! One big glass of red velvet with thirst-quenching and refreshing effect.

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Kwetiaw Goreng 25k

Well, a little bit disappointed since I asked for a non spicy one, and it came in spicy flavour. *sobbing* But! It was super delicious. LOL. So, yeah I forgave them. Hahahaha.. The texture of the kwetiaw was perfect! Tasted like my Mom's homemade fried kwetiaw. So if you miss your Mom's cook, I think it's one perfect dish for you.

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Casserie Café + Pattiserie
Blok 48, Jl. Anggrek Loka Blok AF No.59
BSD Bumi Serpong Damai
Phone: +62 858-8084-8232
IG: @casseriecoffee


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