Kopi Manyar Bintaro Jakarta

December 29th, 2015. Finally, I went to Kopi Manyar. Well, actually I planned to go there with my fellow foodies, but turned out they went without me. At that time, I had to drive my mom-in-law to airport. So, I missed the moment. A couple days ago, my friend asked me to go accompanying her to Serpong. Out of nowhere, I thought about Kopi Manyar. And I said to her, "Do you wanna go to Bintaro? There's new coffeeshop there." And she said, "Yes! Let's go!" So, voila, Kopi Manyar. And yes, they close every Monday.


Located in a residential area, Kopi Manyar wasn't very easy to find. There's no signage in their facade. So you should be very creative. When you are in Bintaro Tengah street, just find a number 14 house. The words Kopi Manyar is only in front of their place like my photo above. So, please be creative. LOL. When we came in to the place, I was stunned with their moody ambiance. I always love moody ambiance. I chose the inside room because I could turn off the light LOL. Btw, their place surrounded with arts. Lovely.

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And now I will show you a little bit about their environment. As you can see, there's the famous steps that you can see in everybody's Instagram account. LOL.

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The Menu


Cappucino 30k

My friend said that it wasn't as rich as she expected. So yeah I guess they better make it rich next time. :D


Hot Chocolate 30k

I love their hot chocolate. The rich hot chocolate tasted very bitter. Love it. Such a nice combination with the rainy season. When I saw the cup, I thought, "It must be good." And it was. Perfect for my taste bud.


Kentang Goreng (French Fries) 22k

I was so hard to please when we talk about french fries. But for me, this was one perfect french fries. Too bad, my friend's daughter had a mission that she finished it herself. LOL. So yeah, I only ate 2 or 3 strips. :)


Go.Pis.Man 22k

pisang kepok kuning goreng tepung dengan keju parut dan saus cokelat

My friend said that the fried banana was too mushy. Fortunately, I love mushy fried banana, as long as they were sweet. Sometimes fried banana wasn't as sweet as I expected. But this one was perfect for my palate.


Nasi Pi.nyar 30k

nasi mentega dengan sayur cincang dan ayam jamur bumbu serai

I haven't eaten my breakfast, so I ordered rice dish. And it was quite nice. I love the texture of the butter rice. And also the minced chicken. And the sunny side up definitely my favourite. Mixed them all and I got one perfect rice for my hungry tummy.


Too bad it was too far from my place. But it's really nice to know that somewhere there's a place called Kopi Manyar with beautiful ambiance and delicious hot chocolate. Bravo Kopi Manyar!

Kopi Manyar
Jl. Bintaro Tengah Raya No. 14
Phone: 021-7353932
IG: @kopimanyar


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