[CLOSED] Rati Rati PIK Jakarta

Udah sering denger dari SkinnyMini soal Rati Rati di PIK yang punya soft roll cake enak banget. Penasaran kan gw. Apalagi terakhir Aline beli tp diabisin sendiri hahahahaha ^-^ Jadilah gw pas kemaren ke PIK, memaksa hubby utk mencari lokasinya. Ternyata lokasinya itu di Rukan Cordoba, which is sebrangan sama Ruko Crown Golf, en gak jauh dari Warung Leko. Hohoho. Setelah gengges2 Aline, sampe juga di Rati Rati.

For some reason, this "RATI RATI" that has adorable sound has meaning "LOVE" in Sanskrit. There is our desire that we would like to encompass your dream and smile with our love. Subtitle "everlasting for you" There is also our desire that We would like to go on "eternal existence for all people" Therefore, we gave sach a name to restaurant. "Our RATI RATI is beside your smile everlasting" We keep in our mind and buckle to create our sweets with our whole heart.

More curious!!!

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Orange Juice 24k

Gak terlalu manis, jadi gak terlalu haus juga. Cukup deh pokoknya.


Ange Blueberry Roll 29k

with mango ice cream. OMG! I really love it. They mixed very perfectly. The blueberry was so delicious. Love it.


Premium Choco Roll 40k

with strawberry ice cream. This is delicious too. You can taste the chocolate in every bite.


Blackforest Roll 40k

with vanilla ice cream. I really like this one. The dark cherry reminded me of my favorite cake from my childhood. Too bad there's no rhum hahahaha..


Bener2 gak salah deh nyobain Rati Rati. Roll cake-nya emang beneran soft en enak banget. Gak terlalu manis, jadinya gak enek. So far, terenak sih :)

Rati Rati
Rukan Cordoba Blok G No.5
Jl. Marina Indah Raya
Bukit Golf Mediterania
Pantai Indah Kapuk
Telp: 021-56945804
FB Fan Page: Rati Rati


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