monViet Setiabudi One Jakarta

April 8th, 2015. I went to monViet at Setiabudi One. Yup, they had this second outlet last year. Their first outlet was in Kemang. You can see my review about the first outlet HERE.


I love their interior. They said that the Setiabudi outlet was similar with common restaurants in Vietnam. So, it's very authentic. Not only the food, but also the ambiance.

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Bún bò Huế Special

They have new menu. Actually it's an improvement of their favourite dish, called Bún bò Huế. It's Spicy Huế beef soup with rice vermicelli originated from the royal city of Huế in Central Vietnam. But.. they added the meat, so it's not only beef but they also had chicken ham, meatball, and beef shank. And they used lemongrass too. Ah by the way, it's spicy, but I love it. So good, I always emptied the bowl LOL


They also had a new surprise for us. Tea Time Experiment Vietnam. Tea Time in Vietnam a long time ago was only for Royal Family. So, now monViet wanna introduce to us, what it's like to eat at Royal Family's tea time. :)

Bánh Dúc

This bánh dúc was made of rice flour, glutinous rice flour and coconut milk. It's so delicious. Tender and melt in your mouth. And the sauce was incredibly delicious. It was addicting! It was eaten as a dessert or savoury meal.

In southern Vietnam, bánh đúc is a dessert made from non-glutinous rice flour. It takes the form of gelatinous blocks that are often colored green by the addition of Pandanus amaryllifolius leaf extract. It is cooked by boiling the ingredients and allowing them to cool, solidifying into a jelly-like sheet that is then cut into blocks.

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Bánh bột lọc tran

It's a dumpling with wrappers made of rice flour with shrimp and chicken with madeo oil. Not my favourite, but my mother-in-law said that it was delicious :)

Bánh bột lọc: A Huế food, it consists of tiny rice dumplings made in a clear rice-flour batter, often in a small, flattish, tube shape, stuffed with shrimp and ground pork. It is wrapped and cooked inside a banana leaf, served often as Vietnamese hors d'œuvres at more casualbuffet-type parties.

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Bánh It Tran

It was small stuffed glutinous rice flour balls and tapioca flour with lentil and minced chicken as the filling. Not my favourite either. The skin was too hard to chew for me. I prefer the tender one :) But it was delicious too. I love the minced chicken.

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Bánh bèo chen

It was made of tapioca flour with mashed sauté shrimp and chicken as topping. And it was my favourite! Small steamed savory rice cakes. Delicious to the max!!! It was soft, tender, and very moist. Love the texture and the flavour. You should try yourself. Most recommended!!!

Bánh bèo: A central Vietnamese dish, it consists of tiny, round, rice flour pancakes, each served in a similarly shaped dish. They are topped withminced shrimp and other ingredients, such as chives, fried shallots, and pork rinds, eaten with nước chấm.

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Thanks monViet for the tea time experience. Totally in love with your food. Totally!! The best Vietnamese cuisines I have ever tried.

Setiabudi One Ground Floor
Jl. HR Rasuna Said
Setiabudi, Jakarta
Phone: 021-29704981
IG: @monvietindonesia


  1. […] the owner asked me to come. Actually it’s their 3rd outlet, since Lippo Mall Kemang and Setiabudi One. And I was so happy when I saw the place. It’s adorable and beautiful. And the fact that I […]


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